Featuring: Paul Geltner, DSW, Stanley Hayden, Ph.D., Robert Marshall, Ph.D.,
Lucie Grosvenor, LCSW, Judy Levitz, Ph.D., Valerie Frankfeldt, Ph.D.
This panel takes a Janus-like view of Modern Psychoanalysis. Like the two-faced Roman deity who stood as the guardian of doorways, passages and transitions, this group, chaired by Stanley Hayden, one of the founders of the Center for Modern Psychoanalytic Studies, will examine the prior achievements and future promise of Modern Psychoanalysis. Stanley Hayden will introduce the panelists and moderate the discussion. Paul Geltner will discuss the historical context in which Spotnitz moved beyond the traditional reliance on interpretation and the importance of insight in psychoanalysis and developed the techniques of emotional communication that remain the distinctive contribution of Modern Psychoanalysis to psychoanalytic practice.
Robert J. Marshall will discuss his experiences in training with Hyman Spotnitz in analysis, supervision, and groups, and how Spotnitz was different from his other analysts. Judy Levitz will discuss the importance of integrating Modern Psychoanalysis with other contemporary schools of thought through embracing both similarities and differences, and developing a common language among various psychoanalytic schools.
Valerie Frankfeldt will discuss some of her personal experiences with Hyman Spotnitz that illustrate his unique ability to effect change and deconstruct with the group how and why his emotional communications were so powerful. Lucie Grosvenor will discuss how modern psychoanalysis influences her work as the Executive Director of a psychoanalytic training institute known for teaching multiple theoretical models, including Modern Psychoanalysis.